Powerful Testimonies

I hope these testimonies build your faith and hope in the Lord. The Father has not forgotten about you. Your situation is not hopeless. The power of God has come to set you free!
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In July, 2020, I woke up not able to close my hands to make a fist. I immediately thought I had carpal tunnel. As I begin lifting off the bed and stood up. I experienced excruciating pain in my joints that brought me to tears. I begin praying and asking God to release the pain and scheduled a doctor appointment. After visiting the doctor and being tested for everything you can think of, my doctor called me stating that my autoimmune test was abnormal. It was a possibility I had Rheumatoid arthritis, or Lupus. The very next day, I signed on to the Powerhouse Prayerscope and asked for prayer. Shortly after the prayer, I felt relief in my joints. Two weeks later, I was retested and my results were normal!! No more pain!  Trust me "The Powerhouse Prayerscope" led by this amazing Woman of God Sandra James is powerful!! God has anointed her to strategically teach the activation of PRAYER by FAITH!! I'm a living testimony. To God be the Glory for the Powerhouse Prayerscope!!

Charlotte LedbetterPowerhouse

Healing from Fear, anxiety and panic attacks and back pain. My struggle with fear, anxiety, and panic  attacks and it had been there so long It had become a part of my personality. But glory to God I went to my cousins funeral 2 weeks ago and I didn't experience no fear, no anxiety, and no panic attacks. Hallelujah! There was a lot of people and I was good. I was really surprised. So thank you Jesus! Thank you for praying for me. It was so different to not have that fear. But I am truly grateful! My back was hurting so bad the whole month of September l started taking sea moss at the end of September and it stopped it from hurting so I ran out of sea moss it only last a month or less and my back started hurting again then you prayed for me on the line and it stopped hurting again. I haven't had to depend on sea moss i did not reorder again. Thank you Jesus! Thank you for praying for me! Hallelujah!


I wanted to give a short testimony about the impact that Sandra James and the Powerhouse Prayer Activation has had on my life. Before I came into contact with Sandra and the Powerhouse activation I had a very active prayer life, a very intense prayer life. Prayer is very vital for what I do. It's a vital part of my life. I thought I was good and then Sandra came along and I started participating in her prayer activations. I can tell you my prayer life grew and continues to grow by leaps and bounds. There is definitely a weightiness in the spirit that I feel. My prayers have more power and they have more presence. I am more confident in my prayer life. The overall understanding of prayer and connection with God has grown so much since I have come into contact with the Powerhouse prayer activations.

 Sandra has a unique way of tapping into the heart of God of really showing you how you can with God uncover areas in prayer that you never even thought were possible. I can honestly tell you that the Powerhouse / activations and what Sandra does has made me desire to reach that secret place with God. Powerhouse prayer activation absolutely will enhance your prayer life in ways you cannot even imagine. 

Linda Renee SmithBlueprint Ministries

Healing for spot on breast & pelvic area. 

I wanted to share testimony and praise report with you.  I asked you to prayer for my sister, last week.  It was either Thursday or Friday.  She had a MRI and Mammogram the week before and the week of.  On both test there were spots seen that needed to be further evaluated.  One of her pelvic area and the other her right breast.  She had both test on Monday, June 29, 2020.  The first test was the mammogram of her breast.  After the exam she was told I’m not supposed to give you any results but the spot is gone.  There is nothing there.  That afternoon she had the exam of her pelvic area.  After the exam, she was told I don’t know what they saw but the spot is gone.  It’s no longer there.  Thank you for praying for her and being in agreement with me for complete healing and to be made whole in her body.  She has a test this month on her back and we’re continuing to pray for healing.  We’re praising and thanking God for healing her body.  In Jesus Name!   Glory Hallelujah.   To God be the Glory.

Shonda KirkseyPowerhouse

Healing for Swelling in The Brain

10/23/20 I wanted to know if you could be in agreement with me that the thing that they say is in my brothers head shrink with the medication that they give him and that he WILL NOT HAVE TO HAVE SURGERY, I’m trusting and believing God for a miracle. 10/25/20 I spoke with the lady day before and she said that he was out of it, no walking, talking, or eating. But on yesterday, my mom and I were talking and we hadn’t discussed how my brother was doing, so I figured nothing happened yet because she didn’t say anything, at the end of our conversation when we were about to hang up she said, O yes, your brother was up out the bed walking and talking!!!!! I could hardly contain myself. 10/25/20 My brother was released from the hospital this week. The day or the day after you spoke it🙌🏽

Shwanna HeardPowerhouse

Prayer Request