How did the Powerhouse Prayerscope begin?

Years ago after going through a traumatic divorce, the Lord begin waking me up at 4:00am. Sometimes 15 mins till  4:00am, sometimes 14 after. It seemed as if I had just went to sleep. Often times I would pray in bed and eventually drift back off to sleep. I didn’t take these slight promptings serious at first. I treated getting up like an option. I had the option to get up or not get up. Then the Lord begin to get my attention in different ways…something falling off a bookshelf (a bookshelf I didn’t have). I would hear someone knocking on the front door only to find out nobody was there.

I realized this was His way of inviting me into what He was doing. He wanted to give me a backstage pass to what was happening. Getting up at 4:00 was challenging because I enjoy nighttime sleep. However, I begin to get up and pray at the promptings. Years later He lead me to go live on periscope at 4:00am. I resisted allowing others into my private life for several months. Finally I made the decision to be obedient. I had no idea Powerhouse Prayerscope would become a thing.


How did you come up with the name Powerhouse Prayerscope?

The men and women that were coming to the prayerscope was growing. I was surprised not only that people were up at 4:00am but that they would be faithful to come to prayer. I laughed thinking wow, ok so there are others out there like me lol. I was down praying for them one night and the Lord said those that come to your scope are Powerhouses. Call them Powerhouses. It was that simple. I begin to call them exactly that!


How do I become a part of The Powerhouse Prayerscope?

We are live every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for 4am Prayer. You can become a part of the powerhouse prayerscope by logging into Periscope, Facebook or Youtube. Just click on the links and it will take you to the Prayerscopes.


Do you have to be a part of the Prayerscope to be mentored by you?

I do take on clients who desire to be coached in the areas of Business, Social Media Positioning and Spiritual Growth. You are welcome to apply for mentorship in these areas without becoming a part of the prayerscope.


 If you are feeling anxious, worried or fearful about a situation, listen to “Enter Into His Rest” Audio below.